Monday, March 12, 2018

Love Means Tennis! 

My favorite competitive sport is tennis. I have been playing tennis since I was in middle school. I started out playing reluctantly with my family. However, I soon grew to love the sport. Going into high school, I decided to try out for the school team. I played all four seasons of high school, and since then I have just been playing with friends and family whenever I get the chance.

Tennis is a great sport. You can play either one on one "singles" or you can play with partners "doubles". I have always been a singles player, but I have played doubles when my couch needed me to. Singles tennis is more challenging, because you can only use the inside lines of the court. You have to run a lot more, so it is also better exercise.  When you are playing singles, you need to use tactic such as aiming, topspin, bunting, or spiking. Love literally does mean nothing when you are playing tennis. The scoring goes love, 15, 30, 45, game! A deuce means that your opponent and you are tied at 45. You must score twice to win a deuce.

Doubles tennis is a littler easier, because there is not as much running around. However, it takes great teamwork and communication skills. Your partner and you must decide what part of the court each of you are responsible for. You can either do left and right, or front and back. When you play doubles tennis, the outside lines count. This makes it easier to keep the ball in the court. The thing I found most difficult about doubles tennis was making sure not to accidentally spike the ball into the head of my partner. If your partner is standing in front of you while you are serving the ball, it is easy to accidentally hit her in the head.

Tennis is a fun sport. It can get super competitive, and it takes a lot of thought. Although this blog may have taught you a few things about tennis, it is nothing compared to what you can learn playing the game for yourself. So, find someone who knows how to play, and have them teach you! You won't regret it. It may seem hard at first, but once you learn how to hold the racket and aim, you are golden!

competitive- when one plays something to win. 
reluctant- when someone is unsure of something, or does not want to do it. 
singles- when one person plays tennis against one person. 
doubles- when two people play tennis against two people. 
tactic- different kind of skills, or problem solving. 
aiming- when you see a target and shoot to hit that target. 
topspin- when you hit a tennis ball with your racket while twisting your wrist, it will make the ball spin and stop wherever you hit it. 
bunting- when you hit a tennis ball lightly, popping it into the air. 
spiking- when you hit a tennis ball fast and directly to the ground. 
racket- the tool which is used to hit a tennis ball. 

Vocabulary Practice
Directions- Say whether the vocabulary word in each sentence is being used correctly or incorrectly. If it is being used incorrectly, write a sentence using it in the correct context. 

1) My sister is very competitive, whenever we play air hockey, she won't stop until she wins! 

_________________ _______________________________________________________________.

2) Judah was reluctant to jump into the water, so he dipped his feet in first to see how cold it was. 

________________ ________________________________________________________________.

3) Matt and I were playing a game of singles, we ran around in circles until only one person was left.

_______________ ________________________________________________________________.

4) In the game of doubles, I played with my friend Carl, and we played against Rick and Daryl. 

______________ _________________________________________________________________.

5) I used plenty of tactic when I was brushing my teeth. 

______________ _________________________________________________________________. 

6) It seemed as if my brother was aiming for me, because the lacrosse ball hit me right in the face! 

_____________ __________________________________________________________________.

7) My mother put the washing machine on topspin

_____________ __________________________________________________________________.

8) My Nana made a bunting cake, and covered it in vanilla frosting. 

____________ ___________________________________________________________________.

9) My cousin learned a new dance move called spiking

_____________ __________________________________________________________________.

10) My mother took me to Dick's Sporting Goods to buy a new tennis racket.

____________ ___________________________________________________________________.

Grammar Point: Homophones

Homophones are words that sound the same, but they have different meanings. Today we will focus on:

too- also
to- identifying a noun, or directional "going to"
two- the number 


its- showing ownership
it's- it is 

Grammar Practice
Directions- Write a sentence using the proper form of each word. 
examples: I like poodles too. I am going to the movies tonight. I have two brothers. 






Sunday, March 11, 2018

Take to the Sea

Kayaking is one of my favorite summer hobbies. As spring is approaching, I cannot wait for it to get warm enough to kayak! There is nothing like being alone on the water. Paddling out is relaxing and it is also a great workout. Sometimes the waves are very smooth, and other times they are rough/choppy. I honestly enjoy both ways of kayaking. While smooth rides are great for laying back and enjoying the views, choppy waves can be challenging to maneuver around. As you boys and girls know, Miss. Galante loves a good challenge. Some of the places I have kayaked before are Bellport Bay, Brookhaven Inlets, and the bay in Massapequa down to Jones Beach.

Next summer I am hoping to kayak the Nesaquake River into either Sunken Meadow State Park or Blyndenburgh. It is also a dream of mine to kayak down the entire Hudson River from Canada into New York Harbor.

Kayaking is loads of fun. You get to see so many new places, and you get to see them from a completely different perspective. It can be challenging or relaxing. While you are out on the water, the sun keeps you warm. You can sometimes see marine life, and you almost always see other boats. Sometimes when I am kayaking I put some music on, and rock out! Other times, I bring a book, and I read on the water. Kayaking can be a great way to be alone to think. It is an activity you can do with friends, or by yourself. I love kayaking! I hope some of you will try it, and love it just as much.

kayaking- traveling by kayak, which is a small canoe/boat that fits one or two people. 
hobbies- activities one does semi-regularly for his/her enjoyment. 
paddling- using an oar to move oneself through water. 
maneuver- a series of movements that requires skill or care. 
inlets- a small arm of ocean, sea, bay, or lake that goes off into the land. 
perspective- the way a something is seen or thought about. 
marine life- animals and plants that live in water. 

Vocabulary Practice
Directions- Use each of the vocabulary words in a sentence. 








Grammar Point: Homophones

Homophones are words that sound the same, but they have different meanings. Today we will focus on:

there - a place
their - possessive (a group of people own something)
they're - they are


your - possessive (something you own) 
you're - you are 

Grammar Practice
Directions- Write a sentence using the proper form of each word. 
examples: The dog is sitting over there. That is their car. They're going to the movies. 






Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Travel the World! 

There are many different ways to travel. One can take a cruise ship to multiple destinations, stay on a resort, travel in a car across country, go to a far off destination to venture out on his/her own, or choose from one of the many other traveling methods.

Growing up, I did not get to travel much. My mother didn't have the money to take us on long trips. We only did weekend trips to simple places like theme parks, or historic towns. I still remember my first trip out of the country. I was 18. My mother inherited some money, and she took us to Mexico. We stayed on the resort for a majority of the trip, but my Mom let me plan one excursion. She knew it had been a dream of mine to swim with dolphins. She told me if I could plan it myself, and find it under a certain price, that we could do it. Well, I did, and it was an adventure of a lifetime! We took a taxi to the ferry. The ferry took us to an island. On the island we got to see sharks up close, swim with dolphins, and snorkel in coral reefs. I thought that would be one of my only trips I'd ever get to take out of the country.

As an adult, I have realized something. We can plan all we want for our future, but those plans are not guaranteed. Plans can fall apart as quickly as a sandcastle getting hit by a wave. This inspired me to go on my second trip out of the country. My second trip was to Costa Rica. It was the most amazing experience of my life. I went with two of my friends. We took a Spanish speaking airline. This helped us feel part of the culture before we even got to the country. We got to read Latin magazines, eat Latin food, and hear everyone speaking in Spanish all around us. We stopped in El Salvador on the way, which was also very cool! When we got there, I finally got to conquer my fears, and become the thrill junkie I always wanted to be. We swam in hot springs, hiked the base of an active volcano, rappelled down waterfalls, hiked in the rainforest, zip-lined, did a Tarzan Swing, walked over hanging bridges, rode ATVs, drove across country, hungout in the local town, and swam in the Pacific Ocean.

My next trip is going to be to Germany. I am going to be studying there at a university. They are going to teach me how to speak German, and about German culture. While I am there I will also be able to do fun things like hike, paddle board, and rock climb. It is scary to invest so much money into traveling, but we only have one life as far as we know. Sometimes you just need to figure it out, make things work, have faith, and live your life! Anything is possible, for anyone, and if you want to travel you can make it happen. Don't give up on your dreams!

resort- it is like a large hotel that includes everything you need in it: fun things to do, restaurants, gift shop, ext.
across country- when someone travels a long distance across a country.
venture- when one travels in a way that can be risky or daring.
inherited- when someone gets something from a family member who has passed away.
excursion- something fun one does on vacation.
coral reef- a group of beautiful rocks and plants one can find in the sea.
guaranteed- when something is certain.
inspired- when something gives you an idea or strong thought.
conquer- when you can do something you once weren't able to.
thrill junkie- someone who loves doing daring, adventurous activities.
hot springs- a spring of water that is heated by volcanic activity.
active volcano- a volcano that has lava running inside and could erupt at any moment.
rappelled- to lower oneself from a high location to a lower location using ropes.
zip-lined- an activity where one holds onto a handle connected to a metal rope/cable, and flies through the air from one point down to another.
Tarzan Swing- when a person walks off a cliff with nothing but a rope attached to them by a harness and swings through the air.
ATV- a small vehicle with four wheels that people drive in dirt or grass.
paddle board- it looks like a long surf board that people stand on, and they use a paddle to move through the water.
invest- when you put your money into a cause or an experience hoping to get something in return with no guarantee.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions- Look up each vocabulary word in Google Images and paste them on this page labeling them with the correct vocabulary word.

Coral Reef

Grammar Point: Comparative Adjectives

There are three kinds of adjectives.

Standard form- the adjective being used in it's standard form.
examples: smart, warm, talented, or good.

The next kind compares two people or objects.
examples: My older brother thinks he is smarter than me.
The two people are brother and me. Smart now becomes smarter. For these adjs. we add -ER or "more".
smarter, warmer, more talented, better.

The last kind compares many people or objects.
examples: The equator is the warmest place on Earth.
The equator is being compared to ALL the other places on Earth. Warm becomes warmest. For these adjs. we add -EST or "most".
smartest, warmest, most talented, best.

Grammar Practice
Directions- Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives.

1. Sweet, __________, Sweetest.

2. ________, Brighter, ___________.

3. Large, Larger, ____________.

4. Bad, Worse, ___________.

5. _________, ____________, Smelliest.

Sunday, March 4, 2018


Tonight I watched an interesting video. The video was about a new fitness trend in Sweden. The trend is called plogging. Plogging is a combination of picking up litter and jogging. It is a way to stay healthy while also helping to clean up our environment! To plog, people take bags with them while they jog, and they pick up garbage they find on their route. People can plog on the beach, at the park, through the woods, on the city streets, or anywhere!

Littering can cause many harmful effects. The most obvious is that it is displeasing to the eye. How many times have your own beach visits, or walks at the park been ruined by people's disgusting trash? Some litter, such as cigarette butts can cause fires or add poisonous chemicals to soil or water. Some animals get caught in litter or try to eat it. Those animals can either get seriously injured or die. Also, removing litter costs tax payers a lot of money. This effects everyone. So, next time you go on a jog, will you turn it into a plog? Make the world a better, prettier place, and plog!

Fitness- actions taken to stay in shape and stay healthy.
Sweden- a country in Northern Europe.
Plogging- a combination of picking up litter while jogging.
Litter- any form of trash or garbage.
Littering- when people throw their garbage outside.
Harmful- when something causes a physical threat.
Displeasing- when something makes you feel frustrated or annoyed.
Poisonous- chemicals that can harm one's health or even kill them.
Tax payers- people who have to pay taxes, or amounts of money to the government.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions- Complete the sentence with the proper vocabulary word.

1) I found the taste of pickles ____________, I never ate them again.

2) Rock climbing is my favorite form of ______________!

3) My grandpa's entire family is from ______________.

4) When I saw the boys throwing their candy wrappers on the floor, I yelled at them for __________.

5) There was so much ___________ on the beach, I could hardly see the sand.

6) _____________ help pay for the school supplies the government supplies our schools.

7) Smoking is ___________ to one's health, it can cause them lung cancer!

8) Cigarettes are _____________, which is why they can cause people lung cancer.

9) I picked up three bags of garbage while ____________ on the beach yesterday.

Grammar Point: Passive & Active Verbs

A verb is active when the subject is the one doing the action.
Example: The children played games.

A verb is passive when the action is being done before the subject.
Example: Games were played by the children.

Grammar Practice
Directions- Read each sentence, then state whether it is active or passive.

1) Sophia colored a picture for her mom. ___________________

2) Cars had been raced by the boys. _________________

3) I sang a song. _______________

4) Drums are played by the band. ________________

5) The burrito was eaten by me. __________________

6) I studied for my test. _____________________