Sunday, March 4, 2018


Tonight I watched an interesting video. The video was about a new fitness trend in Sweden. The trend is called plogging. Plogging is a combination of picking up litter and jogging. It is a way to stay healthy while also helping to clean up our environment! To plog, people take bags with them while they jog, and they pick up garbage they find on their route. People can plog on the beach, at the park, through the woods, on the city streets, or anywhere!

Littering can cause many harmful effects. The most obvious is that it is displeasing to the eye. How many times have your own beach visits, or walks at the park been ruined by people's disgusting trash? Some litter, such as cigarette butts can cause fires or add poisonous chemicals to soil or water. Some animals get caught in litter or try to eat it. Those animals can either get seriously injured or die. Also, removing litter costs tax payers a lot of money. This effects everyone. So, next time you go on a jog, will you turn it into a plog? Make the world a better, prettier place, and plog!

Fitness- actions taken to stay in shape and stay healthy.
Sweden- a country in Northern Europe.
Plogging- a combination of picking up litter while jogging.
Litter- any form of trash or garbage.
Littering- when people throw their garbage outside.
Harmful- when something causes a physical threat.
Displeasing- when something makes you feel frustrated or annoyed.
Poisonous- chemicals that can harm one's health or even kill them.
Tax payers- people who have to pay taxes, or amounts of money to the government.

Vocabulary Practice
Directions- Complete the sentence with the proper vocabulary word.

1) I found the taste of pickles ____________, I never ate them again.

2) Rock climbing is my favorite form of ______________!

3) My grandpa's entire family is from ______________.

4) When I saw the boys throwing their candy wrappers on the floor, I yelled at them for __________.

5) There was so much ___________ on the beach, I could hardly see the sand.

6) _____________ help pay for the school supplies the government supplies our schools.

7) Smoking is ___________ to one's health, it can cause them lung cancer!

8) Cigarettes are _____________, which is why they can cause people lung cancer.

9) I picked up three bags of garbage while ____________ on the beach yesterday.

Grammar Point: Passive & Active Verbs

A verb is active when the subject is the one doing the action.
Example: The children played games.

A verb is passive when the action is being done before the subject.
Example: Games were played by the children.

Grammar Practice
Directions- Read each sentence, then state whether it is active or passive.

1) Sophia colored a picture for her mom. ___________________

2) Cars had been raced by the boys. _________________

3) I sang a song. _______________

4) Drums are played by the band. ________________

5) The burrito was eaten by me. __________________

6) I studied for my test. _____________________


  1. I like that in your vocabulary list you had litter and littering. Students may sometimes have issues with action verbs when they are first learning english. Highlighting these action verbs in example problems is a great way to help students learn.

    1. Thank you for noticing that, I wanted to make sure my students understood the difference between the noun and the adjective.
