There are many different ways to travel. One can take a cruise ship to multiple destinations, stay on a resort, travel in a car across country, go to a far off destination to venture out on his/her own, or choose from one of the many other traveling methods.
Growing up, I did not get to travel much. My mother didn't have the money to take us on long trips. We only did weekend trips to simple places like theme parks, or historic towns. I still remember my first trip out of the country. I was 18. My mother inherited some money, and she took us to Mexico. We stayed on the resort for a majority of the trip, but my Mom let me plan one excursion. She knew it had been a dream of mine to swim with dolphins. She told me if I could plan it myself, and find it under a certain price, that we could do it. Well, I did, and it was an adventure of a lifetime! We took a taxi to the ferry. The ferry took us to an island. On the island we got to see sharks up close, swim with dolphins, and snorkel in coral reefs. I thought that would be one of my only trips I'd ever get to take out of the country.
As an adult, I have realized something. We can plan all we want for our future, but those plans are not guaranteed. Plans can fall apart as quickly as a sandcastle getting hit by a wave. This inspired me to go on my second trip out of the country. My second trip was to Costa Rica. It was the most amazing experience of my life. I went with two of my friends. We took a Spanish speaking airline. This helped us feel part of the culture before we even got to the country. We got to read Latin magazines, eat Latin food, and hear everyone speaking in Spanish all around us. We stopped in El Salvador on the way, which was also very cool! When we got there, I finally got to conquer my fears, and become the thrill junkie I always wanted to be. We swam in hot springs, hiked the base of an active volcano, rappelled down waterfalls, hiked in the rainforest, zip-lined, did a Tarzan Swing, walked over hanging bridges, rode ATVs, drove across country, hungout in the local town, and swam in the Pacific Ocean.
My next trip is going to be to Germany. I am going to be studying there at a university. They are going to teach me how to speak German, and about German culture. While I am there I will also be able to do fun things like hike, paddle board, and rock climb. It is scary to invest so much money into traveling, but we only have one life as far as we know. Sometimes you just need to figure it out, make things work, have faith, and live your life! Anything is possible, for anyone, and if you want to travel you can make it happen. Don't give up on your dreams!
resort- it is like a large hotel that includes everything you need in it: fun things to do, restaurants, gift shop, ext.
across country- when someone travels a long distance across a country.
venture- when one travels in a way that can be risky or daring.
inherited- when someone gets something from a family member who has passed away.
excursion- something fun one does on vacation.
coral reef- a group of beautiful rocks and plants one can find in the sea.
guaranteed- when something is certain.
inspired- when something gives you an idea or strong thought.
conquer- when you can do something you once weren't able to.
thrill junkie- someone who loves doing daring, adventurous activities.
hot springs- a spring of water that is heated by volcanic activity.
active volcano- a volcano that has lava running inside and could erupt at any moment.
rappelled- to lower oneself from a high location to a lower location using ropes.
zip-lined- an activity where one holds onto a handle connected to a metal rope/cable, and flies through the air from one point down to another.
Tarzan Swing- when a person walks off a cliff with nothing but a rope attached to them by a harness and swings through the air.
ATV- a small vehicle with four wheels that people drive in dirt or grass.
paddle board- it looks like a long surf board that people stand on, and they use a paddle to move through the water.
invest- when you put your money into a cause or an experience hoping to get something in return with no guarantee.
Vocabulary Practice
Directions- Look up each vocabulary word in Google Images and paste them on this page labeling them with the correct vocabulary word.
Coral Reef
Grammar Point: Comparative Adjectives
There are three kinds of adjectives.
Standard form- the adjective being used in it's standard form.
examples: smart, warm, talented, or good.
The next kind compares two people or objects.
examples: My older brother thinks he is smarter than me.
The two people are brother and me. Smart now becomes smarter. For these adjs. we add -ER or "more".
smarter, warmer, more talented, better.
The last kind compares many people or objects.
examples: The equator is the warmest place on Earth.
The equator is being compared to ALL the other places on Earth. Warm becomes warmest. For these adjs. we add -EST or "most".
smartest, warmest, most talented, best.
Grammar Practice
Directions- Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives.
1. Sweet, __________, Sweetest.
2. ________, Brighter, ___________.
3. Large, Larger, ____________.
4. Bad, Worse, ___________.
5. _________, ____________, Smelliest.
Traveling is always a good experience. Connecting with different cultures is very interesting. Your explanations are excellent. If I were your student, I would have enjoyed doing the vocabulary activity. Visuals are a wonderful strategy that allows students to understand vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your passage on traveling! I think you have chosen a lot of fun and interesting vocabulary words. I love that you involved a picture in your vocabulary activity! Using Visuals while teaching vocabulary is extremely effective and helps differentiate for English Language Learners. I like that your grammar activity could also double as a sequencing activity! I think this helps students stay organized when learning a new grammar concept.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Marianna. I am glad you enjoyed this post. I previously had the students match vocab words with a picture I posted, and I thought they would have more fun looking up the pictures themselves. Also, this way they see the word in many perspectives, and can choose their favorite picture.
DeleteADVENTURE!!! Sounds like you live life swinging from one adventure to the next. The picture activity is a great tool to get students to understand a words meaning.